Saturday, September 11, 2010

Happy Birthday MAMMA!!!!

I hope you have a great day and year... and many more to come!! I wish I was there, but this is the next best thing, and we have a video chat date later.  I was going to give you one of the flower bowls I have been working on but some of the flowers are kind of crap so I am going to do a better one! Its not like you were going to actually get it today anyway.  Also, I am going to learn to make beads this week! 

Here are some of my favorite Mamma pictures.  I know they are random and  some of them she isn't even in but they remind me all the same.

Mamma and Kari, her Icelandic horse, this summer:
Mamma and her new friend she met last summer in Valdemarsvik.
Enjoying the her old childhood summer home with her sister's family
Mamma and I both love these guys:
She made me take this picture last summer of one of the many curvy streets in Stockholm.
Raven Pottery in front of the ocean... doesn't get much better!
Ice cream!
Alex, Mamma and I this summer at the beach:
Mamma is always up for new things... this case it is Beer Pong!
She and Pappa made wine at home one year... maybe 2006 or 5?
Mamma and her giant dog Arlo!
A Nessie she made:
Mamma and Arlo this summer... The wings were my idea and they just went along with it because they love me.
And, this summer she got re-married to this guy, who is also pretty great:

Thank you for being so supportive and encouraging with everything, especially this great adventure I am on! I am lucky to have such a great Mom that I can get along with so easily and understands me so well! Keep on keeping on the same way you have been... its worked great so far!!! Happy Birthday again and I hope you have some great chocolate cake today!!! 


  1. she is pretty darn special and so is that guy she married- again.
    She has done a super great job of being a mom to you and your sisters!

  2. Happy Birthday! It's great having a little sister like you!

  3. Thank you so very much Theresa!! this is one Birthday greeting that is going to very hard to outdo!!!
    The video chat was very nice too, a little strange to get used to but nice to have access to.
    Thanks again
